英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 21:39:41
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. recover something or somebody that appeared to be lost

e.g. We got back the money after we threatened to sue the company
He got back his son from the kidnappers

Synonym: get back

1. 恢复, 夺得:rear view 后视图 | win back 恢复, 夺得 | overflow error [自]溢出错误

2. 恢复:win an advantage over 胜过 | win back 恢复 | win by a head 险胜

3. 夺回,重新赢得:why not do为什么不 | win...back夺回,重新赢得 | wind one's way 蜿蜒向前

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Could a reconsolidated peace camp win back the middle-of-the-roaders?(和平阵营的整合能否赢得中立者的支持?)
We watched our team's heroic struggle to win back the cup.(我们目睹了我队为赢回奖杯所作的不懈努力。)
She has a young lawyer, a Frenchman, who is rather timid, it seems, and he is trying to win back her fortune.(她有一个年轻的律师,是个法国人,听她的口气是一个相当胆小的人,他在努力争回她的财产。)
Men can now take revenge, and win back their wives.(男人可以复仇赢回他得妻子。)
Yet, austerity measures meant to win back market confidence can also create issues for tourists.(然而,紧缩措施旨在赢回市场的信心,同时也成为了游客的麻烦。)
Just a waste of time, can't win back.(随随便便浪费的时间,再也不能赢回来。)
No, I want to live; I shall struggle to the very last; I will yet win back the happiness of which I have been deprived.(不,我要活,我要斗争到底,我要重新去获得被剥夺了的幸福。)
To win back my love again.(用来再次赢得你的爱情。)
Over the next year private Banks will almost certainly win back market share.(在接下来这一年,私有银行几乎可以确定要赢回市场份额。)
Teach them these, and you'll find you'll win back most of your disgruntled customers.(把这些教给他们,你会发现你将能让大部分不满意的客户回心转意。)
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